Now I hope that got your attention, who likes to do dishes. There are some very practical reasons to convert your recipes. The main reason is the ability to adjust the size of the recipe with ease. Let me give you a real life example, I saw this muffin recipe that I thought would be good. I had all the ingredients and the recipe said it made 12 muffins.
I followed the instructions and they came out pretty good but, the recipe only made 10 muffins. Now I want to adjust the recipe up to make a full dozen. This is easy if your recipe is in grams. Having all the ingredients in grams allows you to increase the recipe by 10-12% depending on how full you fill your muffin cups.
This is a link to a page that has many items in grams but at the bottom of the page is a link to a web site that I use to convert my recipes. The site is easy to use and has most baking items. Now if the item you are looking for is not on the site just Google it "what is a cup of buttermilk in grams" you will find the answer. Link
When you are increasing your recipe increase the flour, sugar, butter, liquids all of the main ingredients. Eggs are always an issue, use an extra large instead of a large. I usually leave the leavening agents and extracts the same, unless I am increasing it a lot.
Now make the recipe again and specifically note the height of the muffins, do you need to increase the leavening agents? If so add 1/4 tsp more of the baking powder or soda. Taste the level of the spices and extracts do you need to increase them or are they just fine. Adjust them if you need to.
It may take another trial until you get the perfect recipe but, you will then have something that you can consistently relay on coming out perfectly every time you bake it. The best part is, there's less dishes to clean up!
Happy Baking!