Ever wonder why in this country more of us are over weight, than in Europe. It has to do with what we eat. They are now discovering that eating whole grain rye bread compared to whole grain wheat has some benefits in regards to controlling our weight. Wheat and Rye are made up of three components, bran, endosperm and germ. The difference is the rye has more bran than wheat. Rye berries have bran not only on the outside of each berry but also in the endosperm. This may be why it has a different effect on our bodies than whole grain wheat does. The bran fills you up without all the extra calories and stays with you longer between meals.
Rye leaves You Feeling Satisfied After a Meal
Studies under the Health Grain project showed that rye products promote higher feeling of satiety after meals. If you feel full you tend not to return to the refrigerator for the snacks between meals.
Rye Bread Satisfies You Longer Than Wheat Bread
Not only does rye satisfy you after the meal but it stays with you longer, thus avoiding the snacking.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala Nutrition Journal. August 26, 2009
Rye Lowers Insulin Response and Improves Blood Glucose Profile
In the fight against diabetes and obesity, foods that produce a low insulin response and suppress hunger can be extremely useful. A cross-over study by Scientists at Lund University in Sweden showed that the endosperm in whole grain rye bread best controlled blood sugar and regulated appetite.
Nutrition Journal. September 25, 2009
Rye and Digestive Health
Dietary fiber from rye appears to be more effective than wheat, and improve general health of the digestive system. There simply is more fiber in rye than wheat.
Rye May Also Reduce Colon Caner
Lignans are natural components of plants found in rye and other foods that may reduce the risk of certain cancers. The added fiber in rye may also reduce the risk of colon cancer due to improved bowel function.
Rye is Good For the Heart
The consumption of whole grain rye bread or rye cereals lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and risk of heart failure. It has also been suggested that the elderly by increasing consumption of dietary fiber breakfast cereals have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
Rye Reduces Cholesterol
In a 4-week study of 18 men and 22 women who consumed random bread of wheat and rye, it was concluded that rye bread in daily eating habits is an effective and practical method for reducing LDL cholesterol levels in men. Another study showed that cholesterol levels were significantly higher after a diet low in fiber than following a diet high in fiber.
With all these benefits to eating rye bread, why not try some for yourself. I offer two types of rye bread. A light rye with caraway seeds and a dark rye bread with caraway seeds and herbs. Both types of rye breads sell for $6.50, you can pick it up at the Farmer's Market on Saturdays or stop by my house.
Rye leaves You Feeling Satisfied After a Meal
Studies under the Health Grain project showed that rye products promote higher feeling of satiety after meals. If you feel full you tend not to return to the refrigerator for the snacks between meals.
Rye Bread Satisfies You Longer Than Wheat Bread
Not only does rye satisfy you after the meal but it stays with you longer, thus avoiding the snacking.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala Nutrition Journal. August 26, 2009
Rye Lowers Insulin Response and Improves Blood Glucose Profile
In the fight against diabetes and obesity, foods that produce a low insulin response and suppress hunger can be extremely useful. A cross-over study by Scientists at Lund University in Sweden showed that the endosperm in whole grain rye bread best controlled blood sugar and regulated appetite.
Nutrition Journal. September 25, 2009
Rye and Digestive Health
Dietary fiber from rye appears to be more effective than wheat, and improve general health of the digestive system. There simply is more fiber in rye than wheat.
Rye May Also Reduce Colon Caner
Lignans are natural components of plants found in rye and other foods that may reduce the risk of certain cancers. The added fiber in rye may also reduce the risk of colon cancer due to improved bowel function.
Rye is Good For the Heart
The consumption of whole grain rye bread or rye cereals lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and risk of heart failure. It has also been suggested that the elderly by increasing consumption of dietary fiber breakfast cereals have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
Rye Reduces Cholesterol
In a 4-week study of 18 men and 22 women who consumed random bread of wheat and rye, it was concluded that rye bread in daily eating habits is an effective and practical method for reducing LDL cholesterol levels in men. Another study showed that cholesterol levels were significantly higher after a diet low in fiber than following a diet high in fiber.
With all these benefits to eating rye bread, why not try some for yourself. I offer two types of rye bread. A light rye with caraway seeds and a dark rye bread with caraway seeds and herbs. Both types of rye breads sell for $6.50, you can pick it up at the Farmer's Market on Saturdays or stop by my house.