Freshly Milled Organic Flour
Spring Hard Red Wheat Flour 4lbs. $9.00

Bread flour used for any bread, or baked item that needs a
strong gluten wheat with a light brown color when baked.
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strong gluten wheat with a light brown color when baked.
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Spring Hard White Wheat Flour 4lbs. $10.00

Bread Flour used for pizza, bread, sweet rolls, any time you need a strong gluten wheat and a white color.
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Soft White Wheat Flour 4lbs. $9.50

Pastry Flour is a low gluten flour used for cakes, pastries, cookies any time you need a tender baked product.
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Spelt Flour 3lbs. $10.50

Very nice flour for bread, bagels, and a wide variety of baked products. This is a medium gluten flour but the gluten is not as strong as Hard Red Wheat. Breads made with a mixture of Spelt are light as a feather.
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7 Grain Wheat Flour 3lbs. $15.00

A mixture of Hard White, Soft White, Barley, Brown Rice,Triticale, Rye and Millet, this is a low gluten flour. This flour is wonderful in pancakes, biscuits and tender baked items. The taste is neutral, but produces very tender baked items. More Information
Rye Flour 3lbs. $9.00

This flour is nothing like what you buy off the grocery store shelf.
Fresh Rye flour makes all the difference in rye bread. If you are going to go to the trouble to make Rye it's worth using fresh flour. $6.00
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Fresh Rye flour makes all the difference in rye bread. If you are going to go to the trouble to make Rye it's worth using fresh flour. $6.00
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Kamut Flour 3lbs. $9.00

Kamut is an ancient grain but is becoming popular due to it's nutrition. Kamut is best used in cakes, cookies and mixed with a gluten flour in yeast breads since it's low in gluten. The flour is yellow in color and sweet. You could reduce the sugar in the recipe if you want to save some calories. Wheat sensitive people may be able to eat this grain.
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Oat Flour 3lbs. $7.50

I use oat flour when I need the baked product to be very tender, like a short bread cookie or pie crust since. Oat flour has no gluten and a pleasant nutty taste.The flour does tend to absorb the liquid in the recipe so you may have to adjust the liquid amount.
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Barley Flour 3lbs. $9.00

You can use barley flour as a substitute for part of the flour in a baking recipe for health purposes and to achieve certain variations in texture. However, because of its low-gluten content, you shouldn't substitute barley flour for all of the flour called for in a recipe that uses a high gluten flour like in bread.
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Ezekiel Mix Flour 3lbs. $12.00

Ezekiel Bread Mix, is a blend of 4 grains and 4 beans using the Biblical Formula.
Grains: Hard Red, Spelt, Rye, Pearl barley
Beans: Pinto Beans, Lentils, Millet, Great Northern Beans, Kidney Beans
Food scientists have tested Ezekiel Bread Mix and found it to be surprisingly complete in nutrients lacking only the vitamin provided by sunlight to provide for man’s survival.
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Grains: Hard Red, Spelt, Rye, Pearl barley
Beans: Pinto Beans, Lentils, Millet, Great Northern Beans, Kidney Beans
Food scientists have tested Ezekiel Bread Mix and found it to be surprisingly complete in nutrients lacking only the vitamin provided by sunlight to provide for man’s survival.
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